Season 2 of ‘Synaptic’ draws to a close
Season 3 will begin next year.
[opening theme music]
Brady Huggett
There is no show today. A quick note instead. We’ve put a cap on the first two seasons of “Synaptic.” Great two years of interviews. I learned a ton; hopefully you have, too. We’ve had guests such as Cathy Lord, Ardem Patapoutian and Eve Marder. We had a great interview with David Sussillo, I thought. A great interview with Catherine Dulac—I’ll remember that one for a long time. We won a Signal Award for our episode with Ashura Buckley, and the overall show was nominated as a finalist for the Eddies Award in the Best Science Podcast category. So we’ve gotten off to a great start.
But we’ll take a break now, until the start of 2025. I’ll use that time to line up new guests, get the interviews done, and otherwise produce the show. In the meantime, let us know your thoughts on “Synaptic.” You can reach us on any of our social media channels, and also just email us directly at [email protected]. You can let us know if there’s a guest you’d particularly like to hear on the show, specific parts of the neuroscience field you’d like us to take a look at, or a comment on a former episode.
And a reminder, for those new to the show: The archives can be found on thetransmitter.org, as well as in whatever podcast platform you use: Apple, Spotify, YouTube. The show is free, obviously. So if you missed an episode, go back and give a listen.
As always, a podcast is nothing without listeners. So a special thanks to you, and thank you for subscribing. Talk to you in 2025. Until then.
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