The Story Collider presents: Stories from Spectrum

The Story Collider partnered with Spectrum for a storytelling event about experiences with autism. The event took place 2 May at the Centre Phi in Montreal, to coincide with the annual meeting of the International Society for Autism Research.

By Spectrum
5 June 2019 | 58 min watch
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This article is more than five years old.

Neuroscience—and science in general—is constantly evolving, so older articles may contain information or theories that have been reevaluated since their original publication date.

The Story Collider partnered with Spectrum for a storytelling event about experiences with autism. The event took place 2 May at the Centre Phi in Montreal, to coincide with the annual meeting of the International Society for Autism Research. The storytellers included autism scientists and medical professionals as well as people with autism and their family members.

They are:

TC Waisman, an autistic person and leadership coach. For her doctorate, Waisman is studying how higher-education leaders can enhance services and outcomes for autistic students.

Jasmin Morandell, a doctoral student at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria. Morandell studies the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie autism.

B. Blair Braden, assistant professor of speech and hearing science and director of the Autism and Brain Aging Laboratory at Arizona State University in Tempe. Braden studies aging in adults with autism.

Brad Ferguson, assistant research professor in the health psychology department at the University of Missouri in Columbia. Ferguson studies the relationship between stress, anxiety and gastrointestinal issues in people with autism.

Ariel Detzer, a psychologist in Seattle who specializes in neurodiverse individuals and their families. Detzer’s son, Avi Caspe, who has autism, is a high school senior at Shorecrest High School in Shoreline, Washington. Caspe plans to study computer technology in college.

To see the full-length video of the Story Collider event from May 2019, watch the video above. To see the individual speakers separately, see videos below.


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