Pitch your thesis: Big questions drive autism research

Early-career autism researchers record ‘elevator pitches’ of their projects.

By Claire Cameron
21 December 2018 | 8 min watch
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This article is more than five years old.

Neuroscience—and science in general—is constantly evolving, so older articles may contain information or theories that have been reevaluated since their original publication date.

Autism research covers expansive territory, ranging from genetics to psychology and molecular neuroscience.

For a glimpse of some of these diverse investigations, we asked early-career autism scientists to sum up their research — in a one-minute pitch.

A video of six of these pitches appears above; they are also available individually below. Tweet yours to @Spectrum.

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Rebecca Jones and her team at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City


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Jonni Johnson, Oscar Kaplan Postdoctoral Fellow in Developmental Science
Ralph Axel Müller Lab, San Diego State University in California


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Sarah Dada, Graduate student
Annie Vogel Ciernia Lab, University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada


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Mirabel Pelton, Graduate student
Sarah Cassidy Lab, Coventry University in the United Kingdom


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Nate Stockham, Graduate student
Dennis Wall Lab, Stanford University in California


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Caitlin Hudac, Developmental cognitive neuroscientist
Raphael Bernier Lab, University of Washington in Seattle

Want to pitch your thesis? Share your one-minute video on Twitter. Tag us using @Spectrum, and we will share your thesis with the autism research community.

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