Live Twitter chat from IMFAR 2015

On Friday, 15 May hosted a Twitter Q&A chat live from the floors of the 2015 International Meeting for Autism Research in Salt Lake City, Utah.

By Greg Boustead
8 May 2015 | 2 min read

This article is more than five years old.

Neuroscience—and science in general—is constantly evolving, so older articles may contain information or theories that have been reevaluated since their original publication date.

On Friday, 15 May hosted a Twitter Q&A chat live from the floors of the 2015 International Meeting for Autism Research in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The chat included scientists from the conference and beyond, reflecting on some of the research presented and discussing next steps for advancing autism research. The conversation also included input from journalists and academic institutions, as well as voices from the public.

A full transcript of the chat is here.


  • Greg Boustead (@SFARIorg), Community Manager,
  • Michele Villabolos (@IMFAR2015), Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Participants included:

  • Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele (@JeremyVVW), Mortimer D. Sackler Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University
  • David Beversdorf (@MU_CogNeuroLab), Director, Center for Translational Neuroscience, University of Missouri
  • James McPartland (@J_McPartland), Director, Yale Developmental Disabilities Clinic, Yale School of Medicine
  • Francesca Happé (@HappeLab), Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, King’s College London; President, International Society for Autism Research
  • Brett Abrahams (@brett_abrahams), Assistant Professor of Genetics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  • Alycia Halladay (@AHalladayASF), Chief Science Officer, Autism Science Foundation
  • Michael Rosanoff (@AS_ScienceGuy), Director, Public Health Research, Autism Speaks
  • Shannon Des Roches Rosa (@thinkingautism), Founding Editor, The Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism
  • Kristen Moulton (@KristenMoulton), Reporter, The Salt Lake Tribune
  • Laura Shumaker (@LauraBShumaker), Autism and Disabilities Writer, SFGate
  • John Elder Robison (@johnrobison), Advocate; Author, Look Me in the Eye
  • Rachel Zamzow (@RachelZamzow), Doctoral Student, University of Missouri; Science Writer

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For more reports from the 2015 International Meeting for Autism Research, please click here.