Special Report: Lessons from other fields

a human brain model made of springs is shaking on its spring base

The link between epilepsy and autism, explained

Autism and epileptic seizures often go hand in hand. What explains the overlap, and what does it reveal about autism’s origins?

By Jessica Wright
21 October 2019 | 4 min read
linked hands in a pattern intertwined with DNA showing some broken parts, symbolizing mutations

Rett syndrome’s link to autism, explained

Studies of Rett syndrome hint at genes, cells and brain circuits that may be involved in autism — and may pave the way to treatments for both conditions.

By Sarah DeWeerdt
21 October 2019 | 5 min read
Mouse shows friendliness to all mice, friends or strangers

What two rare ‘social’ syndromes reveal about autism

Studying Smith-Magenis and Potocki-Lupski syndromes — two single-gene conditions in which people have trouble reading social cues — may boost our understanding of autism.

By Katherina Walz
21 October 2019 | 5 min read

What Ehlers-Danlos syndrome can teach us about autism

Not much is known about the connection between autism and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a condition that affects collagen. But preliminary work provides tantalizing clues.

By Emily Casanova
21 October 2019 | 6 min read

Angelman syndrome’s silent gene points way forward for autism therapies

Advances in research and help from families have brought scientists to the brink of an effective therapy for Angelman syndrome.

By Stormy Chamberlain
21 October 2019 | 4 min read

Single molecule tracks with mutation’s path to autism, cancer

A molecule made by mitochondria, the energy factories of cells, might help doctors forecast the impact of mutations in a top autism gene.

By Nicholette Zeliadt
17 October 2019 | 3 min read
red beating heart, in see-through person

Getting at the heart of autism

Cardiac activity could reveal autism's physiology and confirm a hunch many clinicians share: that people with autism experience great stress.

By Daisy Yuhas
9 October 2019 | 13 min read
row of babies playing with toys that look like genome sequence

Studies of tuberous sclerosis may shed light on biology of autism

Tuberous sclerosis provides a unique opportunity to understand autism because about half of people with that single-gene condition also have autism.

By Mustafa Sahin
24 September 2019 | 5 min read
medical personnel in operating theater during brain surgery

Can preventing seizures alter the course of autism?

Experimental surgeries to prevent seizures may help scientists understand the link between autism and epilepsy.

By Jessica Wright
18 September 2019 | 17 min read
Boy on bed is weighed down by pressures and troubles

The deep emotional ties between depression and autism

Autistic people are four times as likely to experience depression over the course of their lives as their neurotypical peers. Yet researchers know little about why, or how best to help.

By Cheryl Platzman Weinstock
31 July 2019 | 14 min read

Explore more from The Transmitter

A man walks a dromedary camel down a hallway.

Temperature tunes circadian timing in some desert mammals

Light has hogged all the attention in chronobiology research—but now, in camel, goat and mole rat experiments, temperature takes the lead.

By Calli McMurray
28 June 2024 | 5 min read
Research image of excitatory synapses in the prefrontal cortex.

Synaptic anomalies in autistic people support imbalance hypothesis

Increased excitatory and decreased inhibitory synapses in the prefrontal cortex of autistic people suggest broader impacts on brain function and connectivity.

By Giorgia Guglielmi
27 June 2024 | 4 min read
Research image of enteric neurons in zebrafish.

Opioid receptors may guide formation of gut nervous system in zebrafish

Fish lacking functional copies of the receptors have fewer enteric neurons than usual, but the findings await further validation.

By Olivia Gieger
26 June 2024 | 4 min read