Revisiting sex and gender in the brain

To conduct scientifically accurate and socially responsible research, it is useful to think of “sex” as a complex, multifactorial and context-dependent variable.

Abstract animation of a feminine face in structural flux.
Hormones and chromosomes: Sex-related factors are important in two ways; they are more precise variables than sex, and they are gender-independent.
Animation by Veronyka Jelinek

The role of sex and gender in the brain is a popular but controversial research topic. Neuroscience has a reputation for being male-centric and focused on studying male brains, although researchers have recently embraced the idea that it is critical to study female brains as well. Generally speaking, human female and male brains are morphologically similar, but that does not suggest they don’t differ in their activity and function, or in their underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms.

In fact, sex and gender bias in neuropsychiatric conditions is the rule rather than the exception. Men are three to five times as likely as women to have autism or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, for example, and women are twice as likely as men to have anxiety or depression disorders. Understanding the biological factors and mechanisms that underlie gender- and sex-related bias in brain function and psychiatric conditions is essential to improve our fundamental knowledge of the brain and to open a path to develop novel, sex-informed treatments.

But simply including females in research studies is insufficient to resolve the role of sex and gender in neuroscience. “Sex” and “gender” are both complex and evolving concepts, extending beyond a simple binary. In practice, people are assigned female or male at birth based on external genitalia, although up to 2 percent do not belong to either category because of differences in sex development. Though gender has traditionally been co-assigned with sex—females/women and males/men—the binary nature of sex does not suffice to account for today’s expanding gender landscape. Gender exists on a spectrum, including nonbinary, gender-fluid and agender people. In transgender people, gender identity differs from gender or sex assigned at birth.

Some researchers would say that this complexity cannot (and perhaps should not) be tackled by science, and that we should stick to scientifically discernible female-male comparisons, particularly in animal research. But science should not exist in a vacuum; when detached from society, it does not serve its purpose. Indeed, in the case of gender, biology can be falsely used to fuel discriminatory laws and practices against gender-diverse and gender-non-conforming people, supposedly based on a scientific understanding of “biological sex.”

To understand how to study the influence of sex and gender in the brain in not only a scientifically accurate but socially responsible manner, we need to think of “sex” as a complex, multifactorial and context-dependent variable.


et’s say we compare female and male rodent groups and find a “sex difference” in behavior. What is the source of this difference? “Sex” is not a driver. Rather, some of the sex-related factors that determine and constitute “sex” cause the observed difference. Those sex-related factors are sex chromosomes, the gonadal hormone status and environmental factors that may or may not be gender-specific but that converge on sex-specific biology (see illustration).

Sex chromosomes are primarily thought of as drivers of gonadal development: Typically, XY produces testes; XX produces ovaries. Though gonadal hormones—testosterone in males; estrogens and progesterone in females—do drive sex differences in the brain, they are only part of the story. The mere presence of sex chromosomes—such as the inactive X chromosome in females or the expression of Y-linked genes in males and X-linked genes that escape inactivation in females—can affect cellular phenotype in the brain in a sex-specific manner.

Importantly, gonadal secretions vary across the lifespan in both males and females (see illustration), providing different opportunities for sex differences to manifest in the brain. Prenatally, testicular testosterone secretion organizes and “masculinizes” the brain. During puberty, gonadal hormones surge in males and females and reorganize the brain in a sex-specific manner. Not surprisingly, a number of psychiatric disorders emerge during puberty, including an increased risk for depression in females, signaling the importance of ovarian hormone fluctuation.

Cyclical estrogen and progesterone levels are required for reproductive function after puberty, but they also dynamically shape the brain and behavior and could protect or predispose people to brain disorders. Dendritic spine density changes across the estrous cycle in rodents, studies show, and gray matter changes across the menstrual cycle in humans. A drop in ovarian hormones in each cycle is also associated with increased depression and anxiety symptoms, as well as with premenstrual dysphoric disorder. During perimenopause in humans, the ovarian reserve becomes depleted, accompanied by erratic hormonal changes and a peak risk for depression in women. In postmenopause, which is characterized by low ovarian hormone levels, the risk for depression in women drops and becomes similar to that in men. However, menopause triggers other disease risks—including cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease and a second wave of schizophrenia—not found in men.

Illustrated graphic of sex-related factors across the lifespan.
Sex-difference sources: Sex-related factors—gonadal hormones, sex chromosomes and environmental factors—shape the brain and behavior dynamically across the lifespan. Gonadal hormone status can be influenced by hormonal contraceptives (HCs), menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) and gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT). Sex chromosome pairs are typically XX (producing ovaries) or XY (producing testes), although other combinations exist, including XXY, XXX, and XO. Environmental factors interact with hormones and sex chromosomes to shape sex- and gender-specific characteristics of the brain (adapted from Kundakovic and Tickerhoof, 2024).
Graphic art by Anya Sahni

Overall, ovarian hormone cyclicity and a sudden drop of these hormones at menopause, compared with more stable testosterone levels in adults with testes, constitute an important sex difference that affects the brain and disease risk differently across sexes. But the state of the “sexual differentiation” of the brain should not be seen as something set in stone—it can be influenced by exogenous hormones given through oral contraceptives, menopausal hormone therapy or gender-affirming hormone therapy.


hese are all examples of sex differences driven by specific sex-related factors, specifically gonadal hormones. Sex-related factors are important in two ways; they are more precise variables than sex, and they are gender-independent. Take, for example, the effect of the ovarian cycle on anxiety-related behavior in mice. When we compared females to males, we found no statistically significant sex difference in behavior. But once we segregated females based on the estrous cycle phase, we observed that mice in diestrus (low estrogen-high progesterone) show higher anxiety indices compared with proestrus (high estrogen-low progesterone) females and males.

This dynamic sex difference is hidden when we use only “sex” as a variable, but it is translationally relevant because people also show increases in anxiety and depression symptoms with this ovarian hormone shift. In fact, similar to our rodent study, a recent study in people found that accounting for the ovarian hormone status strongly affects the effect size of the sex difference observed when comparing male and female brain microstructure. These data provide experimental evidence that using sex-related factors rather than sex itself generates more precise data and provides a mechanistic insight; in this case, ovarian hormone shift is a driver of sex differences.

Another important advantage of using sex-related variables is that they are gender-independent. For example, ovarian hormone fluctuation is present in all menstruating people with ovaries, a group that includes cisgender women as well as some nonbinary people and transgender men. Accordingly, for our recent study of postmortem biomarkers of the menopausal transition, we requested postmortem tissue from women and other people with ovaries. As a result, we received tissue from a nonbinary person, enabling representation of all people with ovaries across genders. This experience served as a good reminder that inclusive language generates inclusive data.

With all this said, should we still compare males and females? Absolutely! These are often the categories available to the researchers, and the importance of female inclusion in studies should never be underestimated. When women’s health is still so understudied and underfunded, no one wants to “erase” women as a category. What we need is the extension of initiatives focused on women’s health and sex as a biological variable so that everyone can be included.

If a study cannot include or control for sex-related variables, such as ovarian hormone status, we should include females and males and perform an analysis that includes sex as a factor. If there are no sex differences, we should ask ourselves whether the difference may be hidden. If there is a difference, it would be important to search for a sex-related factor that can provide a mechanistic insight and possibly reveal novel drug targets across genders. And the language we use should always be gender-inclusive. Indeed, it is the language we use and our willingness to stretch and include everyone that will enable us all to thrive in the future.

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