Outlook: Autism
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Culture: Diverse diagnostics
The study of autism around the globe must account for a variety of behavioural norms in different societies.

Culture: Diverse diagnostics
The study of autism around the globe must account for a variety of behavioural norms in different societies.
Perspective: Imaging autism
Several studies in the past two years have claimed that brain scans can diagnose autism, but this assertion is deeply flawed, says Nicholas Lange.

Perspective: Imaging autism
Several studies in the past two years have claimed that brain scans can diagnose autism, but this assertion is deeply flawed, says Nicholas Lange.
Epidemiology: Complex disorder
Researchers are digging into the myriad causes of autism to refine its definition and find elusive biological signatures.

Epidemiology: Complex disorder
Researchers are digging into the myriad causes of autism to refine its definition and find elusive biological signatures.
Perspective: Brain scans need a rethink
Head movement can bias brain imaging results, undermining a leading theory on the cause of autism, say Ben Deen and Kevin Pelphrey.

Perspective: Brain scans need a rethink
Head movement can bias brain imaging results, undermining a leading theory on the cause of autism, say Ben Deen and Kevin Pelphrey.
Treatments: In the waiting room
After years of making do with drugs developed for other conditions, doctors and scientists are eagerly pursuing drugs that target the social symptoms of autism.

Treatments: In the waiting room
After years of making do with drugs developed for other conditions, doctors and scientists are eagerly pursuing drugs that target the social symptoms of autism.
Diagnosis: Redefining autism
Draft diagnostic guidelines are raising concerns that mild forms of the disorder may no longer be recognized.

Diagnosis: Redefining autism
Draft diagnostic guidelines are raising concerns that mild forms of the disorder may no longer be recognized.
Adulthood: Life lessons
We know little about autism past adolescence, but a well-studied generation of children with autism will change that.

Adulthood: Life lessons
We know little about autism past adolescence, but a well-studied generation of children with autism will change that.
Child development: The first steps
Because infants born into families with autism are more likely to develop the condition, studying them might lead to ways to diagnose people in the general population earlier.

Child development: The first steps
Because infants born into families with autism are more likely to develop the condition, studying them might lead to ways to diagnose people in the general population earlier.
Genetics: Searching for answers
Solving the riddle of autism genetics will require looking beyond the growing list of candidate genes to epigenetics and personalized medicine.

Genetics: Searching for answers
Solving the riddle of autism genetics will require looking beyond the growing list of candidate genes to epigenetics and personalized medicine.
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Alison Preston explains how our brains form mental frameworks for interpreting the world
Preston discusses her research examining differences in how children, teenagers and adults integrate new information into their memories.
Alison Preston explains how our brains form mental frameworks for interpreting the world
Preston discusses her research examining differences in how children, teenagers and adults integrate new information into their memories.
Calculating neuroscience’s carbon cost: Q&A with Stefan Pulver and William Smith
The two scientists discuss how to estimate a research project’s carbon emissions, from supply procurement to energy usage.

Calculating neuroscience’s carbon cost: Q&A with Stefan Pulver and William Smith
The two scientists discuss how to estimate a research project’s carbon emissions, from supply procurement to energy usage.
U.S. BRAIN Initiative set to lose $81 million this year
A government spending bill, which was approved today by the House of Representatives and heads next to a Senate vote, allocates 20 percent less funding for the program than last year.

U.S. BRAIN Initiative set to lose $81 million this year
A government spending bill, which was approved today by the House of Representatives and heads next to a Senate vote, allocates 20 percent less funding for the program than last year.