Recent articles
Targeting NMDA receptor subunit reverses fragile X traits in mice
The subunit acts as a “volume control” on signaling that shapes the density of dendritic spines, the new work suggests.

Targeting NMDA receptor subunit reverses fragile X traits in mice
The subunit acts as a “volume control” on signaling that shapes the density of dendritic spines, the new work suggests.
Coding bonus: Bats’ hippocampal cells log spatial, social cues
The neurons represent not only an animal’s place in space, but also the distinguishing features of its fellow bats, including their sex and social status.

Coding bonus: Bats’ hippocampal cells log spatial, social cues
The neurons represent not only an animal’s place in space, but also the distinguishing features of its fellow bats, including their sex and social status.
Remembering Eleanor Maguire, ‘trailblazer’ of human memory
Maguire, mastermind of the famous London taxi-driver study, broadened the field and championed the importance of spatial representations in memory.

Remembering Eleanor Maguire, ‘trailblazer’ of human memory
Maguire, mastermind of the famous London taxi-driver study, broadened the field and championed the importance of spatial representations in memory.
The Transmitter’s favorite podcasts of 2024
Our picks include a deep dive into dopamine, the role of PKMzeta in memory, and studying the stomatogastric ganglion.

The Transmitter’s favorite podcasts of 2024
Our picks include a deep dive into dopamine, the role of PKMzeta in memory, and studying the stomatogastric ganglion.
Astrocytes star in memory storage, recall
The cells, long cast as support players in memory research, can activate or disrupt fear memories, according to a new study.

Astrocytes star in memory storage, recall
The cells, long cast as support players in memory research, can activate or disrupt fear memories, according to a new study.
How to teach this paper: ‘Coordination of entorhinal-hippocampal ensemble activity during associative learning,’ by Igarashi et al. (2014)
Kei Igarashi and his colleagues established an important foundation in memory research: the premise that brain regions oscillate together to form synaptic connections and, ultimately, memories.

How to teach this paper: ‘Coordination of entorhinal-hippocampal ensemble activity during associative learning,’ by Igarashi et al. (2014)
Kei Igarashi and his colleagues established an important foundation in memory research: the premise that brain regions oscillate together to form synaptic connections and, ultimately, memories.
This paper changed my life: ‘Response of hippocampal synapses to natural stimulation patterns,’ by Dobrunz and Stevens
The work demonstrated how to effectively combine controlled in-vitro experiments and the messiness of natural brain patterns.

This paper changed my life: ‘Response of hippocampal synapses to natural stimulation patterns,’ by Dobrunz and Stevens
The work demonstrated how to effectively combine controlled in-vitro experiments and the messiness of natural brain patterns.
Ketamine targets lateral habenula, setting off cascade of antidepressant effects
The drug’s affinity for overactive cells in the “anti-reward” region may help explain its rapid and long-lasting results.

Ketamine targets lateral habenula, setting off cascade of antidepressant effects
The drug’s affinity for overactive cells in the “anti-reward” region may help explain its rapid and long-lasting results.
‘Place cells’ help guide freely swimming zebrafish larvae
The newly found cells function like those in mammals, revealing that spatial cognition evolved earlier than previously thought.

‘Place cells’ help guide freely swimming zebrafish larvae
The newly found cells function like those in mammals, revealing that spatial cognition evolved earlier than previously thought.
Six new neuroscience books for fall—plus five titles you may have missed
We highlight the most anticipated neuroscience books for the remainder of 2024 and recap notable releases since last December.

Six new neuroscience books for fall—plus five titles you may have missed
We highlight the most anticipated neuroscience books for the remainder of 2024 and recap notable releases since last December.
Explore more from The Transmitter
How tiny tardigrades could help tackle systems neuroscience questions
The eight-legged, millimeter-long animals reveal how small nervous systems produce complex behaviors and perceptual abilities, a preprint suggests.

How tiny tardigrades could help tackle systems neuroscience questions
The eight-legged, millimeter-long animals reveal how small nervous systems produce complex behaviors and perceptual abilities, a preprint suggests.
Analyzing automation: Two studies test methods that track rodents’ social interactions, children’s speech characteristics
Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 10 March.

Analyzing automation: Two studies test methods that track rodents’ social interactions, children’s speech characteristics
Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 10 March.
The limits of neuroscience
Truly understanding the brain requires a set of conditions we’re unlikely to meet: that knowledge about the brain is finite, and that we have both access to that knowledge and the means to understand it.

The limits of neuroscience
Truly understanding the brain requires a set of conditions we’re unlikely to meet: that knowledge about the brain is finite, and that we have both access to that knowledge and the means to understand it.