Recent articles
What infant fMRI is revealing about the developing mind
Cognitive neuroscientists have finally clocked how to perform task-based functional MRI experiments in awake babies—long known for their inability to lie still or take direction. Next, they aim to watch cognition take shape and settle a debate about our earliest memories—with one group publishing a big clue today.

What infant fMRI is revealing about the developing mind
Cognitive neuroscientists have finally clocked how to perform task-based functional MRI experiments in awake babies—long known for their inability to lie still or take direction. Next, they aim to watch cognition take shape and settle a debate about our earliest memories—with one group publishing a big clue today.
Thanks to new technologies, neuroscientists have more direct access to the human brain than ever before
Model systems continue to offer us tremendous insight, but it’s time for basic researchers to train their sights on the human brain. If I were starting my career today, I would focus on human neurobiology.

Thanks to new technologies, neuroscientists have more direct access to the human brain than ever before
Model systems continue to offer us tremendous insight, but it’s time for basic researchers to train their sights on the human brain. If I were starting my career today, I would focus on human neurobiology.
Cell ‘fingerprints’ identify distinct cortical networks
These networks align with different assemblages of cells, a finding that could reveal how cellular diversity influences brain function, according to a new study.

Cell ‘fingerprints’ identify distinct cortical networks
These networks align with different assemblages of cells, a finding that could reveal how cellular diversity influences brain function, according to a new study.
In case you missed it: Standout news stories from 2024
These five stories—on the pregnant brain, a failed imaging method and more—top our list of some of the most notable neuroscience research findings this year.

In case you missed it: Standout news stories from 2024
These five stories—on the pregnant brain, a failed imaging method and more—top our list of some of the most notable neuroscience research findings this year.
Timing tweak turns trashed fMRI scans into treasure
Leveraging start-up “dummy scans,” which are typically discarded in imaging analyses, can shorten an experiment’s length and make data collection more efficient, a new study reveals.

Timing tweak turns trashed fMRI scans into treasure
Leveraging start-up “dummy scans,” which are typically discarded in imaging analyses, can shorten an experiment’s length and make data collection more efficient, a new study reveals.
2024 Kavli Prize awarded for research on face-selective brain areas
Studies by Nancy Kanwisher, Winrich Freiwald and Doris Tsao revealed how the brains of humans and other primates identify faces and helped establish an understanding of brain specialization.

2024 Kavli Prize awarded for research on face-selective brain areas
Studies by Nancy Kanwisher, Winrich Freiwald and Doris Tsao revealed how the brains of humans and other primates identify faces and helped establish an understanding of brain specialization.
Connectivity takes U-turn in people with rare autism-linked mutations
Patterns of brain connectivity shift during puberty in people with deletion of the 22q11.2 chromosomal region.

Connectivity takes U-turn in people with rare autism-linked mutations
Patterns of brain connectivity shift during puberty in people with deletion of the 22q11.2 chromosomal region.
Should we use the computational or the network approach to analyze functional brain-imaging data—why not both?
Emerging methods make it possible to combine the two tactics from opposite ends of the analytic spectrum, enabling scientists to have their cake and eat it too.

Should we use the computational or the network approach to analyze functional brain-imaging data—why not both?
Emerging methods make it possible to combine the two tactics from opposite ends of the analytic spectrum, enabling scientists to have their cake and eat it too.
Brain connectivity and letting the data speak with Emily Finn
The Dartmouth College researcher talks about her quest to understand behavior and doing neuroscience “in the woods.”

Brain connectivity and letting the data speak with Emily Finn
The Dartmouth College researcher talks about her quest to understand behavior and doing neuroscience “in the woods.”
To improve big data, we need small-scale human imaging studies
By insisting that every brain-behavior association study include hundreds or even thousands of participants, we risk stifling innovation. Smaller studies are essential to test new scanning paradigms.

To improve big data, we need small-scale human imaging studies
By insisting that every brain-behavior association study include hundreds or even thousands of participants, we risk stifling innovation. Smaller studies are essential to test new scanning paradigms.
Explore more from The Transmitter
Acting NIH director dismisses four neuroscientists from advisory boards
The letters they received this week did not include a reason for their termination.

Acting NIH director dismisses four neuroscientists from advisory boards
The letters they received this week did not include a reason for their termination.
NIH neurodevelopmental assessment system now available as iPad app
Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 24 March.

NIH neurodevelopmental assessment system now available as iPad app
Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 24 March.
Keep sex as a biological variable: Don’t let NIH upheaval turn back the clock on scientific rigor
Even in the absence of any formal instruction to do so, we should continue to hold our ourselves and our neuroscience colleagues accountable for SABV practices.

Keep sex as a biological variable: Don’t let NIH upheaval turn back the clock on scientific rigor
Even in the absence of any formal instruction to do so, we should continue to hold our ourselves and our neuroscience colleagues accountable for SABV practices.