Headshot of Svetlana Bulatova

Svetlana Bulatova


Svetlana Bulatova was born in 1991. She is a graduate specialist in historical studies. Svetlana proceeded to develop her interest in social studies and various communities through documentary photography. Studied at Faculty of Photojournalism and Academy documentary photography and photojournalism Fotografika (St.Petersburg). Svetlana has developed her practice in international programs: Danish School of Media and Journalism and NOOR-Nikon visual journalism workshop «Developing your Transmedia & Long-term Project» (Bayeux, France).
In 2018 Svetlana joined to “Women Photograph” organization.
Svetlana’s works were published in National Geographic (USA), The Calvert Journal, EEP Berlin, Scena9, Roads & Kingdoms, Here Magazine,  The Morning Calm, Russian Reporter, Takie Dela, Zapovednik, The Paper and among others. She works individually focused on long-term projects. Since 2016 Svetlana has been working in North Caucasus.
Currently lives and works in St.Petersburg.

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