Laura Geggel
Former News Writer
From this contributor
Maternal infection may alter neuronal signals, connections
Pups born to pregnant mice infected with a mock virus are known to show changes in their immune system. These effects may in turn impair proper brain signaling, according to results presented Saturday at the 2013 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in San Diego.
Maternal infection may alter neuronal signals, connections
Language grows in diverse ways in children with autism
The language abilities of children with autism vary widely in early childhood, but become more predictable after age 6, reports a 17-year study.

Language grows in diverse ways in children with autism
Mouse study nails neurons that trigger repetitive behavior
A “beautiful” new study traces a complex repetitive behavior in a mouse model of autism to a subset of neurons in one brain region.

Mouse study nails neurons that trigger repetitive behavior
Wealthy nations dole out big doses of autism drugs
Doctors in European countries prescribe more medications to people with autism than do doctors in Asian countries, reports a study of 30 countries, published 3 June in Autism Research.

Wealthy nations dole out big doses of autism drugs
U.S. BRAIN Initiative may advance autism research
An influx of $4.5 billion from the federal government over the next 12 years could jump-start a new generation of technologies, including tools for autism research.
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How tiny tardigrades could help tackle systems neuroscience questions
The eight-legged, millimeter-long animals reveal how small nervous systems produce complex behaviors and perceptual abilities, a preprint suggests.

How tiny tardigrades could help tackle systems neuroscience questions
The eight-legged, millimeter-long animals reveal how small nervous systems produce complex behaviors and perceptual abilities, a preprint suggests.
Analyzing automation: Two studies test methods that track rodents’ social interactions, children’s speech characteristics
Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 10 March.

Analyzing automation: Two studies test methods that track rodents’ social interactions, children’s speech characteristics
Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 10 March.
The limits of neuroscience
Truly understanding the brain requires a set of conditions we’re unlikely to meet: that knowledge about the brain is finite, and that we have both access to that knowledge and the means to understand it.

The limits of neuroscience
Truly understanding the brain requires a set of conditions we’re unlikely to meet: that knowledge about the brain is finite, and that we have both access to that knowledge and the means to understand it.