Francis Fallon is associate professor of philosophy at St. John’s University in New York City. He is project director of Change Detection During Saccades, and a contributing member of the COGITATE Consortium. Both projects use empirical methods to test different theories’ competing predictions (“adversarial collaboration”) and are funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation’s Accelerating Research on Consciousness initiative. He founded and co-directs the project Representation: Past, Present, and Future, supported by the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund as part of Trinity College Dublin’s Neurohumanities program. He has published in PLOS One, Entropy, The Review of Philosophy and Psychology, Topoi and the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, among other journals. He also edited (with Gavin Hyman) “Agnosticism: Exploration in Religious and Philosophical Thought” (Oxford UP, 2020).
Francis T. Fallon
Associate professor of philosophy
St. John’s University
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