Daniel Liévano
From this contributor
Pooling data points to new potential treatment for spinal cord injury
By gathering raw data from multiple labs, we identified an overlooked predictor of recovery after spinal cord injury. Many more insights remain trapped in scattered data.
We found a major flaw in a scientific reagent used in thousands of neuroscience experiments — and we’re trying to fix it.
As part of that ambition, we launched a public-private partnership to systematically evaluate antibodies used to study neurological disease, and we plan to make all the data freely available.
Simply making data publicly available isn’t enough. We need to make it easy — that requires community buy-in.
I helped create a standard to make it easy to upload, analyze and compare functional MRI data. An ecosystem of tools has since grown up around it, boosting reproducibility and speeding up research.
Incentivizing data-sharing in neuroscience: How about a little customer service?
To make data truly reusable, we need to invest in data curators, who help people enter the information into repositories.
Incentivizing data-sharing in neuroscience: How about a little customer service?
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Autism prevalence increasing in children, adults, according to electronic medical records
The uptick from 2011 to 2022 in the United States underscores a need for more services and research, the investigators say.
Autism prevalence increasing in children, adults, according to electronic medical records
The uptick from 2011 to 2022 in the United States underscores a need for more services and research, the investigators say.
Immune cell interlopers breach—and repair—brain barrier in mice
The choroid plexus, the protective network of blood vessels and epithelial cells that line the brain’s ventricles, recruits neutrophils and macrophages during inflammation, a new study shows.
Immune cell interlopers breach—and repair—brain barrier in mice
The choroid plexus, the protective network of blood vessels and epithelial cells that line the brain’s ventricles, recruits neutrophils and macrophages during inflammation, a new study shows.
Expanding set of viral tools targets almost any brain cell type
Harmless viruses that encase short noncoding DNA elements called enhancers enable cell-type-specific gene delivery across the central nervous system in rodents and primates.
Expanding set of viral tools targets almost any brain cell type
Harmless viruses that encase short noncoding DNA elements called enhancers enable cell-type-specific gene delivery across the central nervous system in rodents and primates.