Alison Singer
Autism Science Foundation
From this contributor
It’s time to embrace ‘profound autism’
My experience at the Autism-Europe International Congress — and as a parent of a child with profound autism — makes me more convinced than ever that we need to bifurcate the diagnosis of ‘autism spectrum disorder’ and add a new diagnosis of ‘profound autism’ to better serve this vulnerable population.
Portrayals of autism on television don’t showcase full spectrum
Television characters with autism look dramatically different from the majority of people who have the condition.

Portrayals of autism on television don’t showcase full spectrum
The case for brain donation
We can't get back the tissue lost in the Harvard freezer malfunction, but we can try to create something positive from this tragic event, says Alison Singer.
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How tiny tardigrades could help tackle systems neuroscience questions
The eight-legged, millimeter-long animals reveal how small nervous systems produce complex behaviors and perceptual abilities, a preprint suggests.

How tiny tardigrades could help tackle systems neuroscience questions
The eight-legged, millimeter-long animals reveal how small nervous systems produce complex behaviors and perceptual abilities, a preprint suggests.
Analyzing automation: Two studies test methods that track rodents’ social interactions, children’s speech characteristics
Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 10 March.

Analyzing automation: Two studies test methods that track rodents’ social interactions, children’s speech characteristics
Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 10 March.
The limits of neuroscience
Truly understanding the brain requires a set of conditions we’re unlikely to meet: that knowledge about the brain is finite, and that we have both access to that knowledge and the means to understand it.

The limits of neuroscience
Truly understanding the brain requires a set of conditions we’re unlikely to meet: that knowledge about the brain is finite, and that we have both access to that knowledge and the means to understand it.