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Grace Hwang and Joe Monaco discuss the future of NeuroAI

Hwang and Monaco organized a recent workshop to hear from leaders in the field about how best to integrate NeuroAI research into the BRAIN Initiative.

Paul Middlebrooks talks with Grace Hwang, program director at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and Joseph (Joe) Monaco, scientific program manager at the National Institutes of Health’s BRAIN Initiative. Hwang and Monaco organized a NeuroAI workshop at the NIH in November to explore how NeuroAI fits into the ongoing mission of the BRAIN Initiative to understand and help cure human brain disorders and diseases. They discuss a wide range of topics, including foundation models, digital twins, neuromorphic computing, the importance of embodiment and where to look for the “base layer” of computation in brains.

For more on NeuroAI, check out our new essay series.

Read the transcript.

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