Brain Inspired

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This podcast, hosted by Paul Middlebrooks, features in-depth conversations with neuroscientists studying natural and artificial intelligence, philosophy, consciousness and other related areas.

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Brain Inspired Microphone

Kim Stachenfeld on the dance between neuroscience and artificial intelligence

As a researcher at both Google DeepMind and Columbia University, Stachenfeld offers cross-disciplinary insight into how to understand the brain.

By Paul Middlebrooks
11 September 2024 | 92 min listen

Explore more from The Transmitter

Illustration of children looking at a gigantic set of building blocks, some of which display genetic sequences on their surfaces.

Autism is more heritable in boys than in girls

If boys have greater inherited liability for autism, the female protective effect may not fully explain the sex difference in prevalence.

Illustration of a brain.

This paper changed my life – ‘Response of hippocampal synapses to natural stimulation patterns,’ by Dobrunz and Stevens

The work demonstrated how to effectively combine controlled in-vitro experiments and the messiness of natural brain patterns.

By Robert Froemke
17 September 2024 | 4 min read
Research image of microglia.

CDKL5 gene; cerebrospinal fluid; drug combo for fragile X syndrome

Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 16 September.

By Jill Adams
17 September 2024 | 2 min read