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Some social issues in DYRK1A model mice stem from faulty inhibitory circuits
Alterations in inhibitory circuits and difficulties in social recognition characterize mice missing one copy of DYRK1A, a gene linked to autism.

Some social issues in DYRK1A model mice stem from faulty inhibitory circuits
Alterations in inhibitory circuits and difficulties in social recognition characterize mice missing one copy of DYRK1A, a gene linked to autism.
UBE3A’s link to synaptic pruning bolstered by fly study
Increasing or reducing the levels of the UBE3A gene, which is associated with autism and autism-related syndromes, results in altered patterns of synaptic pruning — a process that snips away brain cell connections.

UBE3A’s link to synaptic pruning bolstered by fly study
Increasing or reducing the levels of the UBE3A gene, which is associated with autism and autism-related syndromes, results in altered patterns of synaptic pruning — a process that snips away brain cell connections.
Repurposed electronics lens spies neurons across entire mouse brain
When combined with tissue-inflation methods, the microscope can image axons without the need for tissue slicing, the researchers say.
Repurposed electronics lens spies neurons across entire mouse brain
When combined with tissue-inflation methods, the microscope can image axons without the need for tissue slicing, the researchers say.
Autism’s ties to the cell skeleton
Many genes related to the condition play a role in the internal scaffolding of cells, and cytoskeletal disruptions can affect neurodevelopment and behavior.
Autism’s ties to the cell skeleton
Many genes related to the condition play a role in the internal scaffolding of cells, and cytoskeletal disruptions can affect neurodevelopment and behavior.
Nerve regeneration paper retracted over faked data
The paper marks the second retraction for one of the co-authors.

Nerve regeneration paper retracted over faked data
The paper marks the second retraction for one of the co-authors.
Wiring map reveals how larval fruit fly brain converts sensory signals to movement
The map diagrams more than half a million neuronal connections in the first complete connectome of Drosophila and holds clues about which brain architectures best support learning.
Wiring map reveals how larval fruit fly brain converts sensory signals to movement
The map diagrams more than half a million neuronal connections in the first complete connectome of Drosophila and holds clues about which brain architectures best support learning.
Protein networks identified in autism-linked genetic deletion
The OTUD7A gene, which may account for some traits in people missing a segment of chromosome 15, appears to interact with several known autism-linked genes.

Protein networks identified in autism-linked genetic deletion
The OTUD7A gene, which may account for some traits in people missing a segment of chromosome 15, appears to interact with several known autism-linked genes.
Autism and the cell’s antennae
Many autism-linked genes are somehow tied to cilia, the tiny hair-like sensors that stud a cell’s surface. But the question remains whether, and how, cilia differences contribute to the condition.

Autism and the cell’s antennae
Many autism-linked genes are somehow tied to cilia, the tiny hair-like sensors that stud a cell’s surface. But the question remains whether, and how, cilia differences contribute to the condition.
Multi-omics study captures CNTNAP2’s far-ranging effects
The in-depth approach shows mutations in the autism-linked gene disrupt neuronal growth and communication, as well as mitochondrial gene expression.

Multi-omics study captures CNTNAP2’s far-ranging effects
The in-depth approach shows mutations in the autism-linked gene disrupt neuronal growth and communication, as well as mitochondrial gene expression.
Amygdala-linked brain areas grow differently in autism
The growth differences vary between autistic boys and girls and are most apparent among children with prominent social difficulties.

Amygdala-linked brain areas grow differently in autism
The growth differences vary between autistic boys and girls and are most apparent among children with prominent social difficulties.
Explore more from The Transmitter
How tiny tardigrades could help tackle systems neuroscience questions
The eight-legged, millimeter-long animals reveal how small nervous systems produce complex behaviors and perceptual abilities, a preprint suggests.

How tiny tardigrades could help tackle systems neuroscience questions
The eight-legged, millimeter-long animals reveal how small nervous systems produce complex behaviors and perceptual abilities, a preprint suggests.
Analyzing automation: Two studies test methods that track rodents’ social interactions, children’s speech characteristics
Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 10 March.

Analyzing automation: Two studies test methods that track rodents’ social interactions, children’s speech characteristics
Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 10 March.
The limits of neuroscience
Truly understanding the brain requires a set of conditions we’re unlikely to meet: that knowledge about the brain is finite, and that we have both access to that knowledge and the means to understand it.

The limits of neuroscience
Truly understanding the brain requires a set of conditions we’re unlikely to meet: that knowledge about the brain is finite, and that we have both access to that knowledge and the means to understand it.