Open neuroscience

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Illustrated portrait of Lin Tian.
Synaptic Microphone

Biosensors and being fearless with Lin Tian

Tian discusses protein function and structure, and the historic city in China where she was born.

By Brady Huggett
1 September 2024 | 61 min listen
Illustration of a blue face with sunglasses.

Neuroscience needs a career path for software engineers

Few institutions have mechanisms for the type of long-term positions that would best benefit the science.

By Gaëlle Chapuis, Olivier Winter
19 August 2024 | 7 min listen
Illustration of a hand holding a pen reaching towards a blank sheet of paper.

Neuroimaging researchers pen statement protesting UK Biobank data-access changes

The signatories asked the organization to grant all imaging researchers a data-download exemption until the cloud platform can accommodate their processing needs.

By Calli McMurray
30 July 2024 | 4 min read
A digitally distorted image of a file folder against a blue gradient background.

Data access changes to UK Biobank stir unease in neuroscientists

“I feel a little bit in limbo,” says neuroscientist Stephanie Noble, who has paused a study using Biobank data after the repository shifted from a data download to a cloud-only access model.

By Calli McMurray
16 July 2024 | 7 min read
Illustration of a scientist attempting to wrangle many forms of data at once: a pile of charts and graphs threatens to knock them off of their feet as they attempt to prop it up.

Neuroscience graduate students deserve comprehensive data-literacy education

Despite growing requirements around how to handle and share data, formal training is lacking.

By Letisha R. Wyatt
15 July 2024 | 6 min read
Research image of data from electrode arrays inserted into mice.

10 standards for brain electrode-array recordings enhance reproducibility

Electrophysiology findings can vary widely from lab to lab, even among those using identical protocols. New guidelines set forth in a preprint should help.

By Elissa Welle
12 July 2024 | 5 min read
A magnifying glass shines a light on a series of Xs.

Bounty hunting for blunders: Q&A with Russell Poldrack and Jan Wessel

The guinea pigs for a post-publication error-spotting project discuss why the field should destigmatize slipups—and how to handle them better.

By Calli McMurray
7 June 2024 | 10 min read
-A playful “cellular map” features top-down and bottom-up views of the human brain arranged side-by-side as if they were the earth’s two hemispheres in an old-fashioned map of the world. The brains are colored to suggest land masses and bodies of water.

Knowledge graphs can help make sense of the flood of cell-type data

These tools, widely used in the technology industry, could provide a foundation for the study of brain circuits.

By Michael Hawrylycz
28 May 2024 | 7 min read

Reporting bias widespread in early-childhood autism intervention trials

Only 7 percent of completed registered trials were later updated with results, one of several failings identified in a new analysis.

By Gina Jiménez
18 April 2024 | 5 min read
An abstract illustration of colorful lines on a yellow background

Pooling data points to new potential treatment for spinal cord injury

By gathering raw data from multiple labs, we identified an overlooked predictor of recovery after spinal cord injury. Many more insights remain trapped in scattered data.

By Adam Ferguson, Hannah Radabaugh, Abel Torres-Espin
4 March 2024 | 7 min read

Explore more from The Transmitter

Cell population in brainstem coordinates cough, new study shows

The work also adds to a growing body of evidence showing that mice, and their genetic toolbox, can be used to study cough.

By Calli McMurray
6 September 2024 | 5 min read
Capitol building
Spectrum Microphone

In updated U.S. autism bill, Congress calls for funding boost, expanded scope

The current Autism CARES Act sunsets in late September.

By Rachel Zamzow
5 September 2024 | 5 min listen
Illustration of ketamine blocking open ion channels in active NMDA receptors, quieting the cells and disrupting downstream signaling involved in depression.

Ketamine targets lateral habenula, setting off cascade of antidepressant effects

The drug’s affinity for overactive cells in the “anti-reward” region may help explain its rapid and long-lasting results.

By Olivia Gieger
4 September 2024 | 6 min read