Recent articles
Gabriele Scheler reflects on the interplay between language, thought and AI
She discusses how verbal thought shapes cognition, why inner speech is foundational to human intelligence and what current artificial-intelligence models get wrong about language.
Gabriele Scheler reflects on the interplay between language, thought and AI
She discusses how verbal thought shapes cognition, why inner speech is foundational to human intelligence and what current artificial-intelligence models get wrong about language.
How neuroscience comics add KA-POW! to the field: Q&A with Kanaka Rajan
The artistic approach can help explain complex ideas frame by frame without diluting the science, Rajan says.

How neuroscience comics add KA-POW! to the field: Q&A with Kanaka Rajan
The artistic approach can help explain complex ideas frame by frame without diluting the science, Rajan says.
Untangling biological threads from autism’s phenotypic patchwork reveals four core subtypes
People belonging to the same subtype share genetic variants, behaviors and often co-occurring diagnoses, according to a new preprint.

Untangling biological threads from autism’s phenotypic patchwork reveals four core subtypes
People belonging to the same subtype share genetic variants, behaviors and often co-occurring diagnoses, according to a new preprint.
Reconstructing dopamine’s link to reward
The field is grappling with whether to modify the long-standing theory of reward prediction error—or abandon it entirely.

Reconstructing dopamine’s link to reward
The field is grappling with whether to modify the long-standing theory of reward prediction error—or abandon it entirely.
Dopamine and the need for alternative theories
Some experimental findings are inconsistent with the dominant model of reward prediction error, highlighting the need for alternative testable and falsifiable models for dopamine function.

Dopamine and the need for alternative theories
Some experimental findings are inconsistent with the dominant model of reward prediction error, highlighting the need for alternative testable and falsifiable models for dopamine function.
Does a new theory of dopamine replace the classic model?
My answer would be no, but the model poses challenges that will sharpen our understanding of dopamine and learning.

Does a new theory of dopamine replace the classic model?
My answer would be no, but the model poses challenges that will sharpen our understanding of dopamine and learning.
Can an emerging field called ‘neural systems understanding’ explain the brain?
This mashup of neuroscience, artificial intelligence and even linguistics and philosophy of mind aims to crack the deep question of what "understanding" is, however un-brain-like its models may be.

Can an emerging field called ‘neural systems understanding’ explain the brain?
This mashup of neuroscience, artificial intelligence and even linguistics and philosophy of mind aims to crack the deep question of what "understanding" is, however un-brain-like its models may be.
Dancing in the dark: Honeybees use antennae to decode nestmates’ waggles
The insects align their antennae with their body’s angle to a dancer—information that vector-processing circuitry in the brain deciphers into a flight path, a new study suggests.
Dancing in the dark: Honeybees use antennae to decode nestmates’ waggles
The insects align their antennae with their body’s angle to a dancer—information that vector-processing circuitry in the brain deciphers into a flight path, a new study suggests.
In hot water: Climate change tests limits of neuronal resilience in crabs
Warming seas disrupt the function of neurons — and could seed permanent changes in marine species, according to studies of a circuit that controls digestion in crustaceans.

In hot water: Climate change tests limits of neuronal resilience in crabs
Warming seas disrupt the function of neurons — and could seed permanent changes in marine species, according to studies of a circuit that controls digestion in crustaceans.
What ‘drifting representations’ reveal about the brain
How neuronal activity patterns associated with a behavior can change, even when the behavior does not — something once seen as an experimental artifact — could offer new insights about neural function.

What ‘drifting representations’ reveal about the brain
How neuronal activity patterns associated with a behavior can change, even when the behavior does not — something once seen as an experimental artifact — could offer new insights about neural function.
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Who funds your basic neuroscience research? Help The Transmitter compile a list of funding sources
We want to hear from you about the sources of funding for your research.
Who funds your basic neuroscience research? Help The Transmitter compile a list of funding sources
We want to hear from you about the sources of funding for your research.
The future of neuroscience research at U.S. minority-serving institutions is in danger
Cuts to federally funded programs present an existential crisis for the University of Puerto Rico’s rich neuroscience community and for research at minority-serving institutions everywhere.

The future of neuroscience research at U.S. minority-serving institutions is in danger
Cuts to federally funded programs present an existential crisis for the University of Puerto Rico’s rich neuroscience community and for research at minority-serving institutions everywhere.
Unexpected astrocyte gene flips image of brain’s ‘stalwart sentinels’
The genetic marker upends the accepted orientation of non-star-like astrocytes in the glia limitans superficialis.

Unexpected astrocyte gene flips image of brain’s ‘stalwart sentinels’
The genetic marker upends the accepted orientation of non-star-like astrocytes in the glia limitans superficialis.