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Martín Giurfa y la idea de hogar
El investigador de la cognición de insectos ha hecho su trabajo en varios continentes, pero Argentina nunca está lejos de su mente.
Martín Giurfa y la idea de hogar
El investigador de la cognición de insectos ha hecho su trabajo en varios continentes, pero Argentina nunca está lejos de su mente.
Martin Giurfa’s concept of home
The insect-cognition researcher has done his work across continents, but Argentina is never far from his mind.
Martin Giurfa’s concept of home
The insect-cognition researcher has done his work across continents, but Argentina is never far from his mind.
Cognition in brainless organisms is redefining what it means to learn
A slew of simple creatures demonstrate forms of learning, making the case for cognitive science to expand beyond the boundaries of the human mind.
Cognition in brainless organisms is redefining what it means to learn
A slew of simple creatures demonstrate forms of learning, making the case for cognitive science to expand beyond the boundaries of the human mind.
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Autism prevalence increasing in children, adults, according to electronic medical records
The uptick from 2011 to 2022 in the United States underscores a need for more services and research, the investigators say.
Autism prevalence increasing in children, adults, according to electronic medical records
The uptick from 2011 to 2022 in the United States underscores a need for more services and research, the investigators say.
Immune cell interlopers breach—and repair—brain barrier in mice
The choroid plexus, the protective network of blood vessels and epithelial cells that line the brain’s ventricles, recruits neutrophils and macrophages during inflammation, a new study shows.
Immune cell interlopers breach—and repair—brain barrier in mice
The choroid plexus, the protective network of blood vessels and epithelial cells that line the brain’s ventricles, recruits neutrophils and macrophages during inflammation, a new study shows.
Expanding set of viral tools targets almost any brain cell type
Harmless viruses that encase short noncoding DNA elements called enhancers enable cell-type-specific gene delivery across the central nervous system in rodents and primates.
Expanding set of viral tools targets almost any brain cell type
Harmless viruses that encase short noncoding DNA elements called enhancers enable cell-type-specific gene delivery across the central nervous system in rodents and primates.