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Single-neuron recordings are helping to unravel complexities of human cognition
As this work begins to bear fruit, researchers “are becoming less afraid to ask very difficult questions that you can uniquely ask in people.”

Single-neuron recordings are helping to unravel complexities of human cognition
As this work begins to bear fruit, researchers “are becoming less afraid to ask very difficult questions that you can uniquely ask in people.”
Say what? The Transmitter’s top quotes of 2024
“We’ve cured mouse-heimer’s thousands of times...”—find out who said this to a Transmitter reporter, and read our other favorite quotes from the past year.

Say what? The Transmitter’s top quotes of 2024
“We’ve cured mouse-heimer’s thousands of times...”—find out who said this to a Transmitter reporter, and read our other favorite quotes from the past year.
Martín Giurfa y la idea de hogar
El investigador de la cognición de insectos ha hecho su trabajo en varios continentes, pero Argentina nunca está lejos de su mente.

Martín Giurfa y la idea de hogar
El investigador de la cognición de insectos ha hecho su trabajo en varios continentes, pero Argentina nunca está lejos de su mente.
Martin Giurfa’s concept of home
The insect-cognition researcher has done his work across continents, but Argentina is never far from his mind.

Martin Giurfa’s concept of home
The insect-cognition researcher has done his work across continents, but Argentina is never far from his mind.
Cognition in brainless organisms is redefining what it means to learn
A slew of simple creatures demonstrate forms of learning, making the case for cognitive science to expand beyond the boundaries of the human mind.

Cognition in brainless organisms is redefining what it means to learn
A slew of simple creatures demonstrate forms of learning, making the case for cognitive science to expand beyond the boundaries of the human mind.
Explore more from The Transmitter
NIH neurodevelopmental assessment system now available as iPad app
Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 24 March.

NIH neurodevelopmental assessment system now available as iPad app
Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 24 March.
Keep sex as a biological variable: Don’t let NIH upheaval turn back the clock on scientific rigor
Even in the absence of any formal instruction to do so, we should continue to hold our ourselves and our neuroscience colleagues accountable for SABV practices.

Keep sex as a biological variable: Don’t let NIH upheaval turn back the clock on scientific rigor
Even in the absence of any formal instruction to do so, we should continue to hold our ourselves and our neuroscience colleagues accountable for SABV practices.
Single-cell genomics technologies and cell atlases have ushered in a new era of human neurobiology
Single-cell approaches are already shedding light on the human brain, identifying cell types that are most vulnerable in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, for example.

Single-cell genomics technologies and cell atlases have ushered in a new era of human neurobiology
Single-cell approaches are already shedding light on the human brain, identifying cell types that are most vulnerable in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, for example.